Week 6,Monday

Today I learnt about Geo position and got to know about the library used for it- Altair library. We can also use matplot for the Geo position as I have worked with both in plotting map of USA.

I have also learnt little more about clustering, specifically the “Elbow Method.” To determine how many clusters we require, I created the WCSS graph, which shows how near the points in a group are to each other. It assisted me in determining the optimal number of groups when adding another group does not significantly improve performance; we call this point the “elbow.”

WCSS (Within cluster sum of squares) is essentially a measure of how neat our clusters are. Adding the squares of all the distances between each point and the cluster’s centre. Lower WCSS results in more organised clusters. WCSS tends to decrease as the number of clusters increases. It can be used to find the right number of clusters.

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