September 20


I learnt about the t-test in the class and later i went through various tutorial and found out i can use this in my model to calculate the means of %diabetes and %inactivity with %diabetes and %obesity of different county. I am planning to go with the county wise projection as i have mentioned in my previous blog. Will be updating my result once I successfully implement it.

I have discussed the questions with the team and we have finalized few questions that we will be working on.

September 18


I have learnt about the linear regression using two predictor variables, interaction terms and quadratic terms in the class. I have also learnt about the  Bayesian localized conditional autoregressive model. Bayesian Conditional Autoregressive (CAR) model is a disease mapping method that is commonly used for smoothening the relative risk of any disease. I am thinking to use this model in the project to analyse the county-wise data.

I have came across few questions while going through the datasheet and will be discussing with the team.

September 15


I have been working on finding the correlation between the CDC datasets and i have decided to go county wise comparision in the datasets. I tried to apply the bruesh pagan test to the CDC datasets. Compute the residual and form a linear regression line and then calculate the R-squared value.

Later I had discussed the p-value with my team to see if they got the same or approximately similar value. The p-value i got is very small and thus the model is heteroscedastic.


September 13, 2023

Hi, I have gone through the topics like Mean squared error, heteroskedasticity, p-value and Breusch- Pagan test. I tried to find the correlation between the % diabetes and % obesity and % inactivity and on analysis I decided to keep diabetes as an dependent variable and other two as independent variable which will help me understand the residual and scattered plot.

I will be going through the resources provided in the course structure to understand the topics better and apply the knowledge in the CDC datasets. In the last week, I was working with my own datasets and I was able to plot the regression line. Now I am going forward with the CDC datasets and will be using Breusch Pagan test on it.